Duke University Health System and LifePoint Hospitals form Duke LifePoint, a joint venture designed to strengthen and improve health care delivery throughout North Carolina and the surrounding regions by creating flexible affiliation options for community hospitals.
- Robert Lefkowitz wins the Nobel Prize
Dr. Robert Lefkowitz wins the Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with his former postdoctoral fellow Dr. Brian Kobilka for their work with G protein-coupled receptors.
- HIV Vaccine Trial
Barton Haynes leads the world’s largest HIV vaccine trial, which provides important clues about immune system responses that could play a role in protecting people from HIV infection.
- Durham Regional Hospital becomes Duke Regional Hospital
Durham Regional Hospital is renamed Duke Regional Hospital.
- National Center of Excellence in Nursing Education
Duke School of Nursing receives official designation as a National Center of Excellence in Nursing Education by the National League for Nursing.
- New SOM education building
Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans Health Education Center opens.
- Paul Modrich wins the Nobel Prize
Dr. Paul Modrich wins the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on mechanistic studies of DNA repair with his colleagues Tomas Lindahl of the Francis Crick Institute and Clare Hall Laboratory in the UK, and Aziz Sancar of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
- New Chancellor appointed
Dr. A. Eugene Washington becomes chancellor for health affairs and president and CEO of Duke University Health System.
- Center for Health Policy
Duke University launches the Duke-Robert J. Margolis, MD, Center for Health Policy, to develop ideas on health reform and connect the intellectual resources at Duke with policymakers and policy analysts in the public and private sector.
- 8th SOM Dean
Mary E. Klotman, MD, is appointed as dean of the School of Medicine.