Duke Medicine Timeline

- 2nd SOM Dean appointed

With the retirement of Wilburt C. Davison, Dr. Barnes Woodhall is appointed Dean of the Medical Center on 1 July.

Barnes Woodhall

- First primary care nursing project

Hanes Project is instituted as a primary nursing practicum for sixteen new graduates of the BSN program. This new initiative was the first primary care nursing project in the U.S.

- Expansion

Gerontology Building and the Diagnostic and Treatment Center opened (Busse Building).

- New building opens

Clinical Research Building opened (Stead Building).

- Hyperbaric chamber

Duke's first hyperbaric chamber opens. 

hyperbaric chamber

- Minority students admitted

First Black student, W. Delano Meriwether, admitted to Duke University School of Medicine. He graduated in 1967.

Delano Meriwether

- First clinical nurse specialist

Ruby Wilson is appointed as Duke Hospital's first clinical nurse specialist. In this role she provided care for dialysis and kidney transplant patients in the Division of Nephrology. She also developed a training program for corpsmen that led to the later development of Duke's Physician Assistant Program. 

Ruby Wilson

- 3rd SOM Dean appointed

With the retirement of Barnes Woodhall, Dr. William G. Anlyan becomes Dean of Duke University Medical Center and School of Medicine on 1 July.

- Microbiology breakthrough

Wolfgang Karl (Bill) Joklik is the first to describe the mechanism of action of interferon.

- Duke Databank for Cardiovascular Disease

Eugene Stead organizes the Duke Databank for Cardiovascular Disease.

- Physician Assistant program

Duke establishes the nation's first Physician Assistant Program.

- Physician Assistant program

Duke establishes the nation's first Physician Assistant Program.

- Gerontological nursing program

Virginia Stone, PhD, RN, develops and implements the first gerontological master's degree program for nurses interested in caring for older adults.

- MSTP established

The Duke Medical Scientist Training Program, a joint degree program leading to both the MD and the PhD degrees, is founded. It is one of the first three in the nation.

- Project MED-AID begins

Duke becomes the first medical center in the world to offer a radio consultative program to isolated doctors in other countries. The radio program, Project MED-AID (shortened for Medical Assistance for Isolated Doctors), met critical needs of physicians in developing countries.

Project MedAid callers

- Building expansion

New Hospital Entrance, the Woodhall Building, opened.

- New curriculum

The new medical school curriculum gives students greater freedom to choose their course materials.

- First Black nursing student

The first Black nursing student, Donna Allen Harris, is admitted to the School of Nursing.

- Research building opens

The Nanaline Duke Research Building opened.

- Enzyme discovered

Dr. Irwin Fridovich and graduate student Joe McCord discover the enzyme which protects all living things against the toxicity of oxygen.

- 1,000-foot dive

In its hyperbaric chamber, Duke conducts the first recorded studies of humans' ability to function and work at pressures equal to a 1,000-foot deep-sea dive.