Duke Nursing Magazine is now available to users on MEDSpace. Users can view past issues here. Issues available on MEDSpace go back to 2006, and the Archives will continue to add new issues as they become available. MEDSpace is the Duke University Medical Center Archives’ Digital Repository. Digital repositories are “the technical infrastructure, services, and resources for the storage and management of digital information” (Society of American Archivist’s Dictionary of Archives Terminology)… MORE
Category: News, Collection Spotlight
Duke Nursing Magazine is now available to users on MEDSpace. Users can view past issues here. Issues available on MEDSpace go back to 2006, and the Archives will continue to add new issues as they become available. MEDSpace is the Duke University Medical Center Archives’ Digital Repository. Digital repositories are “the technical infrastructure, services, and resources for the storage and management of digital information” (Society of American Archivist’s Dictionary of Archives Terminology)… MORE
Category: News, Collection Spotlight
Duke Nursing Magazine is now available to users on MEDSpace. Users can view past issues here. Issues available on MEDSpace go back to 2006, and the Archives will continue to add new issues as they become available. MEDSpace is the Duke University Medical Center Archives’ Digital Repository. Digital repositories are “the technical infrastructure, services, and resources for the storage and management of digital information” (Society of American Archivist’s Dictionary of Archives Terminology)… MORE
Category: News, Collection Spotlight
Duke Nursing Magazine is now available to users on MEDSpace. Users can view past issues here. Issues available on MEDSpace go back to 2006, and the Archives will continue to add new issues as they become available. MEDSpace is the Duke University Medical Center Archives’ Digital Repository. Digital repositories are “the technical infrastructure, services, and resources for the storage and management of digital information” (Society of American Archivist’s Dictionary of Archives Terminology)… MORE
Category: News, Collection Spotlight
Adonna Thompson joined the Archives staff in August 2022 as the Rice Diet Program Collection Processing Librarian, a 2 year grant funded position. Adonna, a familiar face to some of the Library, has over 15 years of experience working in Archives with a strong background in archival management. In her previous roles at the Duke Medical Center Archives she served as Director and Archivist of the Physician Assistant History Center; Librarian for Research, Outreach and Education; and Archives Assistant Director. After leaving Duke she worked for six years as the founding archivist for the Martha Smith Archives and Research Center at Avila University in Kansas City, Missouri. During her time there she was responsible for managing all aspects of the archives including policy creation and… MORE
Category: News
The Medical Center Archives, in partnership with Rachel Ingold, Curator of the History of Medicine Collections at the Rubenstein Library and Josephine McRobbie and Joseph O’Connell, local oral historians, received a grant from the Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation Endowment Fund in the amount of $5,400 to document the history of maternal health in Durham through oral history interviews with members of the Duke Midwifery Service and Durham County Health Department. The title of this project is “Documenting the Duke Midwifery Service and Durham Maternal Health Through First Hand Narratives”. The idea for this project was spurred by the 2021 donation of the Duke Midwifery Service… MORE
Category: News
Dr. Samuel L. Katz died October 31, 2022, at the age of 95. He was a world-renowned pediatrician and virologist. He joined the Duke University School of Medicine faculty as chair of pediatrics in 1968 and led the department until 1990.
Katz began his undergraduate studies at Dartmouth College in 1944. In 1945, he joined the Navy and was sent to San Diego to attend hospital training school. Afterwards, he returned to Dartmouth and completed the undergraduate premed requirements, graduating in 1948. He then attended Dartmouth Medical School, which, at the time, was a two-year preclinical program and received a BMS in 1950. Katz completed his MD at Harvard Medical School in 1952. He had internships at Beth Israel Hospital followed by a residency in pediatrics at the Massachusetts… MORECategory: News
It Came from the Archives
Medical Center Library & Archives - Level 1
On Display October 17, 2022 through January 31, 2023
We are excited to announce the installation of a new exhibit on Level 1 of the Medical Center Library & Archives. “It Came From the Archives” celebrates the Duke Medical Center Archives by spotlighting two remarkable stories found in the Archives’ collections — one that goes underground and one that takes flight!
Category: News
Location: Medical Center Library & Archives, Level 2, Room 212E
Date: Monday, October 31, 11am – 2pm
After an unexpected multi-year hiatus, the Duke University Medical Center Archives is excited to announce the return of our annual Halloween event! This casual open house event will feature a selection of odd, intriguing, and rarely seen materials from our collections.
All are invited to drop in to view detailed medical illustrations, touch old medical instruments, explore forgotten stories from the history of Duke Health, and much more.
Come by for a fun break to learn some history and enjoy free Halloween candy!
Category: News
We are on social media! Follow us @dukemedlibrary on Instagram Our Instagram page is a fun and simple way to learn more about both the Medical Center Library & Archives as well as Duke History! Our posts often highlight archival materials from our collections including historical photographs, illustrations, publications, and artifacts. We also provide behind-the-scenes looks at archives and library work, information about upcoming events, and much more!
Caption Text: We love the beautiful details on this watercolor drawing of the Duke Cancer Center entrance by Michael McCann. This art is… MORE
Category: News
Over the past year, we’ve highlighted the Medical Center Archives’ rich oral history collection of over 350 interviews spanning from the 1960s to present day. In Part 6 of this series, we revisit the previous pieces (see below) and remind readers that while this series is over, the Archives’ Oral History Program continues to grow as we add more oral histories interviews to capture the medical center’s history in the words of the individuals who witnessed and participated in that history. Part 1: “Oral Histories at the Medical Center Archives"This article outlined what an oral history is and the types of oral histories held at the Medical Center Archives. Part 2:… MORE
Category: Collection Highlights
In July 2022, the Library & Archives debuted the newly redesigned and updated online exhibit of the Duke Poison Control Center: A Retrospective Exhibit. The retrospective exhibit conveys the profound impact of the Duke Poison Control Center from 1954-1995. From the design of the safety cap to community outreach and education, the Center has always been at the forefront of poison prevention and safety issues. The exhibit was updated and expanded by the Medical Center Library & Archives Exhibits Committee: Rebecca Williams and Beverly Murphy (Co-Chairs), Michael Ravenel-Baker, Victor Gordon, Steph Hendren, and Carter Hulinsky. Focused around the concept, "Is There a Killer in Your Medicine Chest… MORE
Category: News
This is Part 6 of a multi part series on oral histories at the Medical Center Archives. Part 1 “Oral Histories at the Medical Center Archives” outlines what an oral history is and the types of oral histories held at the Medical Center Archives.Part 2 “Women in Duke Health Oral Histories at the Medical Center Archives” highlights the oral history interviews with Duke women and showcases an online exhibit about these interviews.Part 3… MORE
Category: News
The Medical Center Archives is open for all researchers by appointment only. In order to limit the number of people in our building, we have designated Tuesdays and Thursdays as research days. Please contact us to schedule a visit. Patrons using the facility are expected to follow Duke's policies.
Staff are available for remote consultation (M-F) via our online request form. We are happy to assist you in locating digital materials for your research… MORE
Category: News
The Medical Center Library & Archives announces the debut of the newly redesigned and updated online exhibit of the Duke Poison Control Center: A Retrospective Exhibit. The exhibit conveys the profound impact of the Duke Poison Control Center from 1954-1995. From the design of the safety cap to community outreach and education, the Duke Center has always been at the forefront of poison prevention and safety issues, raising awareness throughout the world. Focused around the concept, "Is There a Killer in Your Medicine Chest?" the online exhibit includes sections on the Poison Epidemic, Innovations for Safety, and National Advocacy. In addition, there is a timeline of events and biographies and oral… MORE
Category: News