Kayla Cavenaugh joined the Archives staff as an Intern in August 2023. During her internship at the Medical Center Archives, Kayla will process archival collections, write archival description, create finding aids, assist with acquisitions, as well as assist with the selection of images and writing metadata for MEDSpace and MediaBeacon. Her first project is to help complete the processing of the North Carolina Licensed Practical Nurses Association Records.
Kayla earned dual bachelor’s degrees in Art History and German with a minor in English, from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. After graduating, she served as a Fulbright English-Language Teaching Assistant in the rural community of Murau, Austria. In 2017, she learned to read Old German Script through a course… MORE
Category: News
Emma Eubank joined the Archives staff as an Intern in August 2023. During her internship at the Medical Center Archives, Emma will process archival collections, write archival descriptions, create finding aids, and assist with acquisitions. Her first project is to process the Duke Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental Physiology Records to make the collection available to researchers.
Emma earned a BA in Anthropology and Medieval & Renaissance Studies from William & Mary in 2022. She is now in the dual degree program between the North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill working towards a MA in Public History from NCSU and a MSLS with a… MORE
Category: News