Duke Nursing Magazine is now available to users on MEDSpace. Users can view past issues here. Issues available on MEDSpace go back to 2006, and the Archives will continue to add new issues as they become available. MEDSpace is the Duke University Medical Center Archives’ Digital Repository. Digital repositories are “the technical infrastructure, services, and resources for the storage and management of digital information” (Society of American Archivist’s Dictionary of Archives Terminology)… MORE
Category: News, Collection Spotlight
Duke Nursing Magazine is now available to users on MEDSpace. Users can view past issues here. Issues available on MEDSpace go back to 2006, and the Archives will continue to add new issues as they become available. MEDSpace is the Duke University Medical Center Archives’ Digital Repository. Digital repositories are “the technical infrastructure, services, and resources for the storage and management of digital information” (Society of American Archivist’s Dictionary of Archives Terminology)… MORE
Category: News, Collection Spotlight
Adonna Thompson joined the Archives staff in August 2022 as the Rice Diet Program Collection Processing Librarian, a 2 year grant funded position. Adonna, a familiar face to some of the Library, has over 15 years of experience working in Archives with a strong background in archival management. In her previous roles at the Duke Medical Center Archives she served as Director and Archivist of the Physician Assistant History Center; Librarian for Research, Outreach and Education; and Archives Assistant Director. After leaving Duke she worked for six years as the founding archivist for the Martha Smith Archives and Research Center at Avila University in Kansas City, Missouri. During her time there she was responsible for managing all aspects of the archives including policy creation and… MORE
Category: News