School of Nursing Alumni Weekend

This past weekend Duke welcomed back alumni from a variety of academic disciplines and classes and the Archives were honored to participate in the celebrations on Friday at the School of Nursing. We set up a table display (shown below) with a historical timeline, photographs, old brochures and handbooks, and even a nursing uniform and cap. 

 School of Nursing Table DisplayDuplicate handbooks and brochures Nursing Alumni Viewing Display


We heard many fun stories about campus life, nursing classes, and changes in nursing over the years.  Many alumni recognized the nursing uniform on display from their student days, but several commented that ours did not have nearly enough starch! 

SON 1953 bulletin

Alumni and current nursing students alike got a chuckle out of looking at the tuition prices from a 1953 bulletin for the School of Nursing shown on the right (click to enlarge). Things certainly have changed! 

We also encourage you to check out the timeline displayed at the event here. Please let us know if you think we are missing something important.   

The Duke Medical Center Archives seeks to document and promote the history of the School of Nursing. We are always delighted to both hear ideas of how we can do this better as well as to receive new documents, photographs, or items that chronicle the history of Duke Nursing. Please contact the Archives at or (919) 383-2653 to donate your materials, access more photographs, or just learn more about our collections.