The Duke University Medical Center Archives (DUMCA) actively collects the official records of the DUMC and DUHS departments and divisions, including a variety of materials that provide evidence of business, interests, and activities through the years. In doing so, the DUMCA serves as the institutional memory of the DUMC and DUHS by collecting, preserving, and making accessible materials that provide evidence of day to operations. Guided by our collection development policy, we strive to document the intellectual, administrative, social, cultural, and visual history of the DUMC and DUHS in order to provide evidence of past actions and contribute to an understanding of the structure and history of the DUMC and DUHS.
See below for a listing of materials added to the DUMCA. The types of archival collections listed fit into the following categories of archival collections: personal papers, administrative records, oral histories, and collections.

Personal papers, also called manuscript collections, are records created and originally kept by an individual that cover all aspects of daily life. See below for a listing of personal papers added to the DUMCA in 2021 as both new collections and additions to existing collections.
- Bruce R. Donald Papers
- Helen Rearden Nursing Memorabilia
- Joseph W. Beard Papers
- Louanne Watley Nursing Memorabilia
- Onyekwere E. Akwari Papers
- Robert H. Jones Papers
- Garnett H. Kelsoe Laboratory Notebooks
- Paul L. Modrich Laboratory Notebooks

Administrative records are documents that are preserved because they facilitate the operations and management of an agency, but which does not relate directly to programs that help the agency achieve its mission. Administrative records are common to most organizations. Examples include routine correspondence or interoffice communications; records relating to human resources, equipment and supplies, and facilities; reference materials, routine activity reports, work assignments, appointment books, and telephone logs. See below for a listing of administrative records added to the DUMCA in 2021 as both new collections and additions to existing collections.
- Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development Records
- Davison Society Records
- Department of Community and Family Medicine Records
- Department of Medicine Records
- Department of Surgery Records
- Duke Chapter of the Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association Records
- Duke Chapter of the National Student Nurses' Association Records
- Duke Chapter of the Student National Medical Association Records
- Duke Chapter of White Coats for Black Lives Records
- Duke Hospital Records
- Duke Immune Profiling Core Records
- Duke Med for Social Justice Records
- Duke Med Pride Records
- Duke Midwifery Program Records
- Eugene A. Stead, Jr. Physician Assistant Society Records
- Medical Center Library Records
- Office of Creative Services and Marketing Communication Records
- Office of Creative Services and Marketing Communication Records
- Office of Curricular Affairs Records
- Physician Assistant Program Records
- Student Affairs Records
- Student-Faculty Shows Collection

An oral history is an interview that records an individual’s personal recollections of the past and historical events. Oral histories often are comprised of audio or video, transcripts, and other materials to provide context for the interview. See below for a listing of oral histories added to the DUMCA in 2021 as both new collections and additions to existing collections
- Ann J. Brown Oral History Interview
- Carla W. Brady Oral History Interview
- David L. Simel Oral History Interview
- Diana B. McNeill Oral History Interview
- Eddie L. Hoover Oral History Interview
- John A. Bartlett Oral History Interviews
- Joseph Gerald Reves Oral History Interviews
- Joseph O. Moore Oral History Interviews
- Kevin L. Thomas Oral History Interview
- Marilyn J. Telen Oral History Interview
- Nancy B. Allen Oral History Interviews
- Nelson Jen An Chao Oral History Interview
- Pamela S. Douglas Oral History Interviews
- Paul R. Newman Oral History Interview
- Richard McCann Oral History Interviews
- Rodger A. Liddle Oral History Interview
- Stacey R. McCorison Oral History Interview
- Thomas M. Bashore Oral History Interviews
- Walter Pories Oral History Interview

A “collection” is what archivists call an artificial collection. This means that the materials were not collected or collated originally, but rather, were pulled together over time by archivists attempting to create a collection around a singular topic. See below for a listing of collections added to the DUMCA in 2021 as both new collections and additions to existing collections.
- Photograph Collection
- Publications Collection
- Subject Files Collection
To peruse all of the DUMCA’s holdings, visit our Collections Listing. For more information about the DUMCA email us at or contact us online.
This blog post was contributed by Assistant Director and Technical Services Head Lucy Waldrop.