Reproduction Fees

Reproductions are intended for personal research use only. They may not be forwarded to another party, reproduced, or deposited in another repository. Reproductions can be made of many, but not all, materials. There are restrictions on copying records covered by University policies on access, unprocessed administrative records, fragile materials, records containing Protected Health Information (PHI), and personal papers restricted by a donor.


Cost: $00.10 per page

Black and white photocopies can be made by Archives staff. (There is not a photocopier for public use.) Payment must be received before photocopies are provided. Remote patrons will be charged $5.00 for shipping and handling.


Cost for Duke affiliates: $5.00 for a new scan; free for a preexisting scan

Cost for non-Duke affiliates: $10.00 for a new scan; $5 for a preexisting scan

Scans on CD-R or DVD: $3.00

Items can be scanned up to 600dpi, in jpeg or tiff format. Scans can be provided via email or on CD-R or DVD. Payment must be received before a high-resolution copy is provided. However, we will provide watermarked, low-resolution copies of images to help remote patrons determine what materials are desired.


Patrons interested in obtaining copies of audiovisual materials should contact the Archives about availability and pricing.


We accept payment by credit card via our secure online payment system. It uses DukePay and meets all of Duke’s criteria for handling online credit card payments.