New Finding Aid Search Portal

This summer we rolled out some new updates to the Duke Medical Center Archives website. You might notice some slight changes to the front page, but the biggest update is a brand new portal for our finding aids.

Findings aids, also called collection guides, are detailed online descriptions of our materials. We publish a guide for every open collection in the Duke University Medical Center Archives. The guides outline the contents of the collection, explain how a specific collection is organized, and give a history of the person or organization that produced the collection.

Previously our website simply had a list of the published finding aids on one page. This new portal allows for more advanced searching with several new filtering options. Patrons can limit their search by collection, creator, date range, level, names, or subject. Searches may also be limited to materials that are available online.

Another great new feature is the ability to bookmark materials of interest. You can bookmark at the collection, series, or file level. The saved bookmarks can be exported as a CSV file for your records.

We hope that this new update makes finding and accessing archival materials easier for our patrons! Please contact the Archives with any questions or suggestions. 

Front page of "Find Archival Materials" website